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Breaking changes ❗

There are no breaking changes in 1.17.2.

Features ✨

  • Workspace templates: Workspace templates brings the infrastructure as code paradigm to Coder environments by allowing you to define and create new environments using YAML templates.
    • web: New page available via Admin > Templates for creating an embeddable quickstart button.
    • web: New options available when clicking New Environment from the Environments page.
    • web: Workspace template information is now displayed on the Environments page for environments built from a template.
  • web: Added Cordon and Uncordon actions to Provider audit logs.

Bug fixes 🐛

  • infra: Fixes an issue whereby using coder/configure to create dev URLs would fail.
  • infra: Fixes an issue authenticating using OpenID Connect identity providers (IdPs) that omit name information, such as GitLab. In this case, Coder will use the email address as the user's name.
  • infra: Improved validation for environment names. Previously, a long environment name may have caused build errors.
  • web: The dev URLs card on the Environments page now refreshes after an environment finishes building.
  • jetbrains: Fixed an issue whereby JetBrains IDE processes would start and always run. They now start on request when opening JetBrains IDEs.
  • web: Improved reliability of the workspace provider ping indicator.
  • web: Fixed incorrect timestamps in an image's Available Tags table.

Security updates 🔐

There are no security updates in 1.17.2.