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TLS certificates

This article will show you how to correct issues regarding TLS certificates in Coder.


Coder may sometimes fail to download extensions for your IDE if the remote extension marketplace URL is untrusted. This might happen for one of the following reasons:

  • The image doesn't come with any ca-certificates
  • You're using an internal certificate authority

Coder workspaces may also fail to build if the TLS certificate used by Coder is not present in the image, or if there is some issue with the certificate.

Adding certificates for Coder

To add certificates to your image and have them recognized by Coder:

  1. Add the certificate(s) to the image

  2. Set the NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable to the file in the image that contains the certificates

  3. Add the following to your Dockerfile to ensure that Coder finds and uses your newly added certificates when making requests:

     COPY my-certs.crt /etc/ssl/certs/my-certs.crt
     ENV NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS /etc/ssl/certs/my-certs.crt

Adding certificates at the system level

You can add certificates at the system level so that any process that runs within the workspace will use the certificates when making requests.

The specific process to add system-level certificates depends on the Linux distribution that you're using, but it is typically done by adding your certificates to your system's trusted CA repository.

TLS Certificate Requirements

Since the publication of RFC 2818 in 2000, the commonName field has been considered deprecated.

The Go programming language, which Coder uses, recently began enforcing this and ignoring the commonName field (source) in favor of the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field.

This essentially means that SSL certificates are required to use Subject Alternative Name instead of commonName. If you attempt to use a certificate having commonName with Coder, you may see the following error:

x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs instead

Certificates may specify both fields for interoperability with existing software that requires the commonName field.

If you see this error when building a workspace or performing other operations with Coder workspaces, you may be running into the aforementioned issue. To verify that this is the case, you can inspect the certificate of your Coder deployment with the following command:

openssl s_client -connect coder.domain.tld:443 < /dev/null 2>/dev/null \|
openssl x509 -text -noout \|
grep -A1 'Subject Alternative Name'

If your certificate has SANs specified, the expected output for the above command would be similar to the following:

           X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
                DNS:*.coder.domain.tld, DNS:coder.domain.tld, DNS:domain.tld

Otherwise, a blank output is expected.

To fix the issue, a new TLS certificate is required that does not rely solely on the commmonName field. In the above example, this would equate to adding the following arguments to the openssl invocation to generate the certificate:

-addext "subjectAltName ="