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GitHub OAuth integration

When configuring the OAuth integration between Coder and GitHub, you may encounter the following error:

Why this happens

This error occurs when your Coder public key has been uploaded to your GitHub profile; when you attempt to link Coder and GitHub, the OAuth integration attempts to add your public key again to GitHub.


  1. Remove your Coder public key from your GitHub account.

  2. In Coder, navigate to Account > Linked Accounts and click Link Your GitHub Account.

  3. If successful, you will be re-directed back to the Account page. There will be a message in the bottom right corner that says:

    Successfully linked to GitHub account <your-GitHub-username>

If the steps above do not fix the problem, the error may be related to the GitHub configuration values set using Coder's Admin panel. Site managers can view and update these values at Manage > Admin > Git OAuth.

If this doesn't resolve the issue, please contact us for further support.