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Git configuration

This guide will show you how to manage your Git configuration in Coder.

Personal git configurations

Coder will create a global Git configuration file located at ~/.gitconfig in all newly created workspaces. Coder will also set the user name and email address based on the user's Coder account information.

This step occurs before coder/configure and personalization. This means that you can use both files to override the default .gitconfig created by Coder.

If there's already a .gitconfig file, Coder will not recreate a default version when you rebuild a workspace.

We recommend that each Coder user set and modify their personal .gitconfig file using the ~/personalize script. Preferences defined using individual .gitconfig files take precedence over system-level settings.

System and global Git configurations

If you have a set of instructions that apply to your organization as a whole, you can define and use a system-level Git configuration file. We suggest adding the system-level .gitconfig directly to the image's Dockerfile:

# Add system-level gitconfig
COPY ["gitconfig", "/etc/gitconfig"]

System-level git configurations live under /etc/gitconfig. If this file is present, git applies the settings defined to each repository. However, any Coder user can override system-level settings using global or worktree git configurations.

For more information on Git configuration, refer to the official documentation.